Workshop Series Covid19

2020-09-06 09:38:18

Workshop Series after Covid19

An Analytical View of the Post-Korna World

Influences, variables and lessons learned

The International Assembly of Palestinian Engineers held a series of workshops under the title: An Analytical View of the Post-Coronavirus World - Effects, Variables and Lessons Learned

This will take place from 6 to 17 May 2020, via the WEBEX platform, with the participation of experts and specialists from various countries.

The first workshop discussed a number of axes, namely the economic, political, strategic and engineering axis, while the second workshop dealt with the social and medical axis and the vision of the International Assembly of Palestinian Engineers.

The speakers in the two workshops provided analytical information about the situation in light of the Corona crisis and its repercussions on the Arab region and the world, in addition to talking about the consequences of the situation after the end of the pandemic.

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